Sparks (775) 355-0202 | Elko (775) 777-9933 | Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Sparks (775) 355-0202
Elko (775) 777-9933
Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Western Environmental
Testing Laboratory
Bottle Order Form

    General Information:

    I will be picking up the bottles from WETLABI need the bottles shipped to the address provided above

    Please let us know what else is needed:

    Ice Chest NeededSampling Instructions NeededBlue Ice Needed

    Date Needed By:

    Please let us know the quantity of bottles needed from below:
    Fecal Coliform - Na2S2O3 - 125mL Sterile Plastic
    Total Coliform - Na2S2O3 - 125mL Sterile Plastic
    Quanti-Tray - Na2S2O3 - 125mL Sterile Plastic
    HPC - Na2S2O3 - 125mL Sterile Plastic
    General Analysis - Inorganic - 1L Plastic
    Nutrients/Total Nitrogen - H2SO4 - 500mL Plastic
    COD - H2SO4 - 500mL Glass
    Cyanide - NaOH - 500mL Plastic
    Hexavalent Chromium - (24 hour hold time) - 1L Plastic
    Odor - 500mL Glass
    Oil and Grease - HCl or H2SO4 - 1L Glass - 2 bottle low-level
    Soil Analysis - Glass jar (4oz or 8oz)
    Trace Metals by 200.7 or 200.8 - HNO3 - 500mL Plastic
    Mercury - HNO3 - 500mL Plastic
    RCRA 8, 503 Metals, CAM 17 Metals - HNO3 - 500mL Plastic
    Lead & Copper - 1L Plastic
    Primary Standards (IOC II & V) - HNO3 and NaOH - 3 bottles
    Secondary Standards (Secondary IOC) - HNO3 and NaOH - 4 bottles
    Nevada Domestic Well Test - 1L Plastic
    Profile I & II - HNO3, NaOH and H2SO4 - 4 bottles
    Profile III - HNO3 and H2SO4 - 3 bottles
    TCLP 7/11 ( Aqueous) - 1 bottles, 2 VOA vials
    BTEX - HCl - (2) 40mL VOA vials
    MBAS (Surfactants) - 1L Plastic
    SVOC - (2) 1L Glass
    TPH - Extractable (Diesel and Motor Oil) - 1L Glass
    TPH - Purgeable (Gas) -HCl - (2) 40mL VOA vials
    TPH - Carbon Chain (soil) - 8 oz Glass
    TPH - Carbon Chain (aqueous) - 1L Glass
    VOC - Chlorinated System - Ascorbic Acid and HCl - 3 bottles
    VOC - Non - Chlorinated System - HCl - (2) 40mL VOA
    Asbestos - 1L Plastic
    Bromate - EDTA - 250mL Glass
    Dioxin - (2) 1L Glass
    Herbicides - 1L Glass
    Pestcides - 1L Glass
    Radionuclides - (2) 1/2 Gallon Plastic
    TOC - HCl - 40mL VOA
    Dissolved Oxygen - 250mL Plastic w/Stopper
    TTHM - Na2S2O3 - (3) 40mL VOA vials
    HAA5 - NH4Cl - 250mL Glass
    SOC - Various - 13 bottle kit
    ABA, AGP, ANP - 5 Gallon Bucket
    Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing (WET Testing) - (2) 1/2 Gallon Plastic
    Meteoric Water Mobility Procedure (MWMP) - 8kg
    Sulfide - NaOH+ZnAc - 500mL Plastic
    Flashpoint - 500mL Glass
    Perchlorate - 500mL Plastic