Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow and ice. In natural and undeveloped environments, that water would infiltrate the ground, replenish underground aquifers, recharge groundwater, or evaporate. In areas that have an abundance of soil surface area, the water is absorbed, and little run off is created. The development and/or urbanization of an area can create situations in which very little or no water may infiltrate the ground.
Stormwater management is important in diminishing the effects of runoff and snowmelt and reducing the introduction of trace metals, soil, bacteria and other chemicals into surrounding bodies of water. The proper management of stormwater can help prevent undesirable outcomes, such as flooding and stream and soil erosion, while also protecting water quality and helping to maintain a healthy hydrologic cycle.
Stormwater samples should be collected during a qualifying storm event. A qualifying event is defined by 40 CFR 122.21 (g)(7)(ii), as discharge resulting from a storm event greater than 0.1 inch and at least 72 hours prior from the previously measurable (>0.1-inch rainfall) storm event. Samples are collected as grab or composite, as identified in your stormwater discharge application and permit. The required analysis may vary and may include pH, total cyanide, oil and grease, fecal coliform, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), ortho-phosphate and total nitrogen. Several analyses commonly required have hold-times of 48 hours or less. Because of the short hold time, the unpredictability of storms and requisite sampling event, it’s important to communicate with your laboratory prior to sampling, so that a plan may be developed to maximize analytical success.
WETLAB’s mission is to provide critical information to solve environmental problems. Our client services staff are available at all of locations to provide you proper bottles and preservatives, schedule off hour sample delivery and help with all of your environmental testing needs. If you have any questions, please contact us today,