Sparks (775) 355-0202 | Elko (775) 777-9933 | Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Sparks (775) 355-0202
Elko (775) 777-9933
Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Western Environmental
Testing Laboratory
Lessons From the Lab: Cadmium

For environmental testing, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has a list of approved methods in which states, and certified laboratories must use when analyzing and reporting data for the determination of water quality. While each state must use the list of approved methods to be compliant with federal regulation, they are also allowed to make decisions that are more stringent. This is the case in California for the analysis of Cadmium in drinking waters.

The US EPA has approved methods EPA 200.7 and EPA 200.8 for the analysis of Cadmium in drinking water. However, the California Division of Drinking Water decided to remove method EPA 200.7 and only accept Cadmium results reported by method EPA 200.8 for potable water. WETLAB is certified by EPA 200.8 for the analysis of Cadmium in drinking water; therefore, we will be able to continue service for our California clients that require water quality monitoring.

It is important to understand that this action is specific to California only. WETLAB will maintain certification for Cadmium in drinking waters for Nevada by both methods, EPA 200.7 and EPA 200.8.

When completing Chains of Custodies for California clients it will be important to know the following: Sample Matrix – is the sample a drinking water and Testing Suite – is the client requesting Cadmium. This information will allow the laboratory to make informative decisions.