Sparks (775) 355-0202 | Elko (775) 777-9933 | Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Sparks (775) 355-0202
Elko (775) 777-9933
Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Western Environmental
Testing Laboratory
Lessons from the Lab: Innovation

According to Oxford Languages, you can define the word evolution as the gradual development of something. At WETLAB we have many things that continuously call on our Core Value of Innovation. Our innovative spirit allows us to create better efficiencies of our services, offer more services to our clients and/or reduce our impact on the environment. Most of the current evolutions are occurring within our trace metals and organics laboratories. Earlier in 2022, we brought back Volatile Organics (VOCs) via EPA 524.2 and will be requesting VOC analysis in non-potable water and soils/solids via EPA 624 and 8260. Method development began in October of 2022 for Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) by EPA 552.3 and is anticipated to begin offering in-house analysis in Q1 of 2023.

Trace metals has expanded its digestions capabilities to increase throughput by the addition of a hot blocks and a ductless fume hood in the mercury lab. This dedicated fume allows for the greater efficiency of mercury analysis and the ductless systems reduces our overall acid emissions.

We are proud of current improvements and are excited to share more of our initiatives in the future. For more information or a tour of our facility, please contact WETLAB Client Services at 775-355-0202.