This is the final installment of our ongoing series Life of a Sample, which explores what happens behind the scenes at WETLAB. If you missed parts one through five, check them out here!
Our sample has now been received, prepped, distilled/ digested, analyzed, and entered. The final, and terminal step, is reporting. At this point, samples will have been validated, which means that QA/QC parameters have been checked to ensure they are within acceptable ranges. These parameters include checking total versus dissolved solids, Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for drinking water, cation versus anion balances, and several others. If any of these validation measures are outside of acceptable or expected limits, QA staff will determine if the sample needs to be re-analyzed. If the sample passes the validation check, the data is ready to be reported to the client and regulating agency. Our client services staff ensures that clients are provided with a complete and accurate report of all results, and they understand what they have been provided with. If the sample is being analyzed for compliance, such as drinking water for a public water system, the results are also provided to the regulating agency. After reporting is finished, our sample’s life cycle is complete!