Sparks (775) 355-0202 | Elko (775) 777-9933 | Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Sparks (775) 355-0202
Elko (775) 777-9933
Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Western Environmental
Testing Laboratory
New Method Updates Effective July 1, 2021

New method updates and regulations began to take affect July 1, 2021.  WETLAB’s purpose is to provide critical information to solve environmental problems.  The information we provide in our reports aid in our clients’ operations and WETLAB would like to share some updates issued by EPA and other regulatory agencies in 2021.  Please contact your regulator to discuss how these updates may impact your environmental testing requirements.

2021 Methods Update Rule



State of California Revised Total Coliform Rule



EPA Draft Contaminant List



The Bureau of Mining Regulation and Reclamation (BMRR) is revising the Profile I and Profile I-R parameter list to include uranium (total) effective October 1, 2021.  The complete Profile I and Profile I-R parameter list can be found at the links below.




NDEP – BMRR Mining Regulation Guidance, Policies, References, and Requirements
