Sparks (775) 355-0202 | Elko (775) 777-9933 | Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Sparks (775) 355-0202
Elko (775) 777-9933
Las Vegas (702) 475-8899
Western Environmental
Testing Laboratory
Staff Profile: Robert Hunsberger

IMG_0150Rob is the team lead for the Geochemistry lab at WETLAB.  He joined the WETLAB team two years ago, after he moved to Reno from New Jersey.  Rob holds a B.A. in Chemistry from Rutgers University, and has a myriad of technical lab expertise.

Rob came to WETLAB with several years of lab experience under his belt.  He previously worked in research at Church and Dwight (the Arm & Hammer company), where a project that he helped work on eventually made it to market.  After, he worked for third party pharmaceutical company, called DPT, working in a clean room (which is why he sometimes drops things on the floor and doesn’t pick them up).  After that, he worked at American Assay doing acid digestions and quality assurance.

The Geochemistry department at WETLAB runs many different EPA methods, including MWMP (Meteoric Water Mobility Profile), Flashpoint, Cyanide Extraction, and HCT (Humidity Cell Test).  The HCT lab consumes much of his time, as it includes several different tests for each cell, each week.  Since beginning his tenure at WETLAB, Rob has made several improvements to the functioning of the geochemistry department, including completely changing how ABA (Acid-Base Accounting) is preformed, so that WETLAB will better comply with NDEP rules and regulations.

At WETLAB, we specialize in finding innovative and unique solutions to client needs.  This holds especially true in the Geochemistry department with Rob at the helm.  For example, non-percolating HCT’s have been moved to paint trays to ensure both timely and accurate analysis.  Per client request, Rob preformed several consecutive MWMPs (which is a procedure usually only preformed once), resulting in the generation of 25 samples from 5 samples of rock.  Several other requests have been heeded, including making special standards for corrosion tests, and preforming net carbon and percent organic and inorganic carbon value analysis.  Client satisfaction is one of our highest priorities at WETLAB, and we provide inventive solutions while maintaining our standard level of precision and accuracy.


Rob prepping the LECO for analysis.

Rob prepping the LECO for analysis.