Western Environmental
Testing Laboratory
The Walker River Paiute Tribe – Walker River, Schurz, Nevada

As part of a Comprehensive Water Quality Program, Huffman & Carpenter, Inc. (H&C) developed a surface water quality and groundwater quality development program of sampling for the Walker River Paiute Tribe (Tribe). The Tribe implemented a surface water quality monitoring program in 1997 to determine a baseline water quality for the Walker River as it flows through the Reservation. The Tribe is responsible for 323,406 acres in west central Nevada through which the Walker River flows to its terminus in Walker Lake. The long-term goals for the program are to assess water quality within the river and to establish water quality standards for surface water, groundwater, and other significant water bodies within the Reservation boundaries. The primary monitoring program which is currently being implemented is supported by a 106-Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IX. The ultimate objective of the Tribe is adoption of Tribal Water Quality Standards, establishment of water codes, and overall management of water resources within Walker River Paiute Reservation.

H&C has utilized Western Environmental Testing Laboratory since 2003 on the Walker River Paiute Tribe project. Specifically, WETLAB has provided the Walker River Paiute Tribe with high quality analytical results for surface water, soil and groundwater testing.

Huffman & Carpenter is located in Reno, NV. They are a group of professional wetland scientists, environmental scientists, biologists, engineers and economists that are dedicated to affect, promote and accomplish watershed restoration for human and wildlife habitats. Their services include, but are not limited to: Erosion Control, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, Water Quality and Water Treatment, GIS and GPS Mapping and Watershed and Hydrologic Modeling. For more information about the Walker River Paiute Tribe project or about Huffman & Carpenter visit their website here.